One thing we had to practice is to change nappies in public. Otherwise our time outside is limited because we have to go home when the babys start crying because of all full diaper. One thing I noticed is that it is totally not normal when I am – as a man – with a baby. At least in Georgia. But there are always two sides to every story…
We went to Galleria Tbilisi.
There we were the star, everybody was looking at us and our babies, wanted to take pictures and compliment us about how beautiful they are.

Then we went to the diaper changing room. Obviously this place is not meant for men:

There was a woman inside breastfeeding when I entered. But she was ok, because I had a baby. She left after 1 minute and we could enter.

Afterwards we fed the babies. This is not the most beautiful room to do it:

has somebody stolen all the chairs?
When I was with the babies in public transport I got a lot of compliments. Obviously it is totally not common as a man to be with a baby esp. wearing it with a baby wrap.

To me the only explanation it that the Georgian culture is a very traditional culture with a clear separation of gender, not to say a patriarchic culture. BUT there are always two sides to a story: I think Georgia is also a much more child friendly country, of course not in the facilities for children but in the way people react to babies and children!
Is the Georgian Culture a macho culture? But more child friendly? Or is it the same everywhere?
How is it in your place? Post in the comments!
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