Our doctor advised us to bath the baby every day but not to use a shower gel every day. Since we are traveling we bought this cheap laundry basket. We already had a floating bath pillow which we brought from home. Still we needed a bathtub.
Our “bathtub” is not ideal because there is no support for the back and also there are no stands so we have to go down to bath the baby (we do it in the shower cabin). I would recommend a baby bathtub with stand but since we are travelling we don’t want to buy too many bulky items.

Important for our routine is to do the bath only before feeding so that the baby does not spit up during bath. Babys are maybe too lightweight for the floating pillow so we have to push them under water (are we doing something wrong?).

Usually the babies like it when the water is the right temperature of 37° celsius and they are submerged.

When they are out of the water they will get cold immediately so we try to be as quick as possible when drying them and putting back diapers and clothes.

We bought special baby towels with a hood so they are wrapped inside nicely.
Note: You can also bath or wash a baby in a sink. You can read about it here.
Have you bathed a baby before?
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