Category: HowTo
How to burp a newborn 🎥
The nurses showed us some new ways to burp a baby. Burping is really important because the baby suck in air alongside the milk while feeding and if it does not go out again they will be in pain and spit out the milk. Let’s see some options.
Our baby could not breathe!!!
Our baby made loud noises while breathing and we were really worried. But the solution was simple, we used a Baby Nasal Aspirator / Nose Sucker to get out the mucus that has built up inside the nose.
How to change diapers on a plane
On our flight home we had to change diapers during the flight. Let’s see some pictures!
How to fly with two babies
Well you guessed it, on Sunday we flew home with our twin babies! 🙂 We will share our best tips for flying and tell you if flying was safe for our babies just one month of age.
How to pick up a baby 🎥
While we checked the weight the doctor showed us how to easily pick up a baby while supporting its head. I made a video at the clinic and another one at home.
Where the birth certificate is made
We went to the Public Service Hall in Tbilisi to get an apostille for the surrogacy contract. This is also where the birth certificate is made and apostilled. Read on to see some pics, learn more about the process and the cost.
How to wear a baby wrap 🎥
Being in Tiblisi Georgia right now it is not always practical to use a stroller because of stairs and uneven pavement. So I started carrying the baby in a baby wrap. It is better for newborns than baby carriers because it is more flexible and soft. The baby can feel your heartbeat and will calm…
How to clean baby’s eyes, tongue and nose
We bought physiological solution (saline solution) and the doctor at the clinic showed us how to use it. Let’s see some pictures!
Transfer 1 vs 2 embryos
We transfered two embryos because we transfered one before and it failed. They became twins and we are very happy about this because I wanted two children anyways. I will give you reasons why to transfer 2 embryos i.e. with the possibility to have twins and also reasons why to transfer only 1.
Tbilisi Public Transport Card (Metromoney)
Let’s talk about the Metromoney card in Tbilisi. We usually like to go with public transport to run errands because it is very convenient and usually more safe than going with a car. Esp. the communist style metro is crazy fast and faster than with Bolt during rushhour. Just don’t go with a stroller or…
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