This was unexpected: Today SM started to have labor pains, was hospitalized and since they also removed the pessary we decided to drop everything and fly to Tbilisi. Babies could be born anyday even though they try to postpone it as long as possible so babys could grow more. I will give advice what to bring (esp. the things we did not bring and deeply regret…).
Our suitcase
Luckily we had the baby stuff already packed and ready to go.

Doona+ Carseat Strollers
Also we bought 2 used Doona+ strollers. These can be converted into carseats and should come in handy because we go to Tbilisi where the pavements are not like in our country. Also there are many underpasses because of the Russian past.

We shrink wrapped them at the airport and luckily it worked and everthing arrived without damage:
Only problem we had is that my partner was not allowed into the country because she had an open traffic fine from 2019. But after exchanging money she was able to pay it.
What to bring
- Sterilizer (Philips Avent for many bottles) – big mistake we did not bring it (cooking pot method burns your fingers and you don’t want to do it during the night)
- portable diaper changing mat
- many baby bottles (8 if twins because you will have to go through a lot of them, feeding every 3 hours and you don’t want to sterilize all the time) – also clinic will ask for them
- feeding pillow (baby gets heavy very quickly and this will make your life so much easier)
- blurp clothes (many!)
- mittens (when it is cold outside!) or
- baby socks (can also be used as mittens)
- bathing towels for babys
- baby care set: scissors, nail cutter, hairbrush
- onesies (many) – also clinic will ask for them
- bodies, trousers
- Maxi Cosi or stroller (or Doona) – can sometimes be borrowed from the clinic to bring baby home
- baby cap
- baby phone or security camera system
- baby sleeping bag
- baby blankets
- baby carrying sling
- baby nest or portable travel bassinet
If it is cold outside bring warm baby cloth because you should go outside with the baby every day to develop its lunges and strengthen its immune system!

What else to bring?
Please post in the comments!
Are you ready to go suddenly?
Being able to suddenly react and fly to Tbilis was still a challenge. For my partner it was clear that she wanted to attend the birth. For me it was not so important (actually I later found out that I am not allowed to attend anyways). But I decided to support my partner and for that I had to quit my job.
How would you decide? Would you quit your job to be there at birth and support your partner?
Post in the comments!
Products we used
Better bring as much as possible because in Tbilisi Georgia everything is more expensive:
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